FR30280 Diderot: Creative Iconoclast

Denis Diderot (1713-84), a key inventive figure behind the vast French Enlightenment project ‘L’Encyclopedie’, was one of the most radical and original writers of 18th-century France. However, this philosophe’s ground-breaking works -mainly published posthumously- were composed in a unique pre-revolutionary literary climate when censorship prevailed, silencing innovative, offensive and subversive writings. Typically, his texts playContinueContinue reading “FR30280 Diderot: Creative Iconoclast”

FR20050 Introduction à l’âge des Lumières (18e siècle)

This module proposes a discovery of the Enlightenment of eighteenth-century France through its literature. Three texts will be chosen for scrutiny from amongst key thinkers and writers of the century. Authors studied in the past include Rousseau, Graffigny, Riccoboni, Voltaire, and Diderot. Each writer brings a different vision of life and progress to the text,ContinueContinue reading “FR20050 Introduction à l’âge des Lumières (18e siècle)”